Adult Braces

When many people think of orthodontic braces, they may believe they are only for the young as an unfortunate rite of passage. Though adults these days are more comfortable with wearing braces, they may not be comfortable with the thought of their braces being seen by their peers or employers. Still, there are many adults who have no problem wearing braces.

As teens, our jawbones are still growing, which may make it easier for orthodontic applications. By the time we are adults, our jawbones have settled. And so have the overbites, underbites or crowding of teeth. There are many new types of technology that are more comfortable and take less time to correct than the standard traditional braces most people think about.

Types of Braces for Adults

  • Traditional – The metal braces most people may be familiar with they are lower in profile and offer patients colored or clear ties to hold the wire in place.
  • Clear – These are worn just as traditional braces are, but are virtually invisible. Having braces that match the color of your teeth is one way to keep them from being so obvious.
  • Invisalign – Invisalign is one of the new technologies for people who need orthodontic Treatment. Rather than wearing braces on the teeth, Invisalign are clear, plastic aligners “trays” custom-made to fit your teeth. They may be taken out for meals or special occasions.

Just because you are no longer a teenager doesn’t mean you should avoid getting braces. Due to advancements made in orthodontics, there are ways to avoid the “metal mouth” stigma. If you are interested in learning more about the different types of braces available to adults, please contact us to schedule an initial consultation.

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